TRAIRC Systems Pistol Low Light Confidence Course is a 16-Hour program designed to enhance either a Law Enforcement Officer or Responsible Citizen, with previous vetted training, on their weapon fundamental accuracy ability and critical performance measures in a low-light immediate threat environment. Students will develop skillsets through a series of stages both day and night on weapon employment and management, tac-light employment and sector scanning techniques, tac-light discipline measures, and usage of cover. All stages will develop each individual through a series of drills and critical thinking concepts on maintaining shot accuracy and multi-round management skills, proper usage of sight during sight acquisition and holds both day and night, engagement and threat reduction methods of both single to multi-threats, and proper usage of cover and cover clearance procures.
This 2-day training program and course objectives includes:
- Critical Mindset Application during Immediate Threats
- Weapon Safety and Safe Handling Techniques
- Weapon Tac Light Set Up and Considerations
- Grouping at Known Distances
- Holster Draw to Presentation and Threat Engagement Follow Through
- Hip Fire to Pull Presentation Engagement Drills
- Strong / Weak Single Hand Pistol Fire and Fundamental Application
- Strong / Weak Single Hand Pistol Tac-Light Manipulation Techniques
- Pistol Movement and Carry Configurations
- Tac-Light Manipulation Techniques
- Tac-Light Scanning and Threat Identification Methods
- Tac-Light Discipline Control Considerations
- Shooting and Moving, Sight Tracking, and Body Movement Reduction Measures
- Lateral and Oblique Angle Moving and Shot Determination
- Multi-Round Control Methods
- Speed Reloads and Speed Reload Control Methods during Periods of Darkness
- Single Hand, Strong / Weak Hand Pistol Reloads
- Jams, Misfires, and Malfunctions with Threat Engagement Follow Through
- Multi-Target / Multi-Threat Engagement Criteria
- Barricade / Cover Occupation and Various Body Positions
- Barricade / Cover Positions Supported vs Unsupported Engagements
- Tac-Light Clearance Procedures of Unknown Cover Positions and Threat Reduction Methods
- Cognitive Drills
Cost: $500
Round Count: 800 Pistol Rounds
Required Equipment:
- Clear Ballistic Wrap Around Eye Protection
- Hearing Protection (Electronic Noise Cancelling Most Recommended)
- Concealable, OTW, or Tac Holster (Must accommodate and fit for both Pistol and Tac-Light)
- Pistol Magazine Carrier (Must Hold Minimum of Two Pistol Magazines)
- 5 Functional Pistol Magazines (Single Stack Bring More)
- Functioning Automatic Pistol
- Mounted Tac-Light or Handheld (Recommend Spare Batteries are Brought. None Will Be Provided)
- Weapon Lubricant and Cleaning Kit